A Political Song

To the tune of Kaw-Liga

Joe Biden is an evil Democrat
standing in the road
blocking traffic and causing a stink
and acting like a toad

He never raises a finger
to help his faithful followers
but he uses his ill-gained power
to make a gazillion dollars

He lies about the KungFu Flu
He lies about our troops
He even lies about the smell
When he sits to pee and poop

The only way that this old fool
could be the president
was by stealing the election
and that’s exactly how it went


Joe Biden oh oooh
he spews out never ending lies
and shows the evil soul behind his eyes

Afghanistan is NOT a debacle, it is proceeding to plan.

Unless you understand why we were in Afghanistan from the git-go, none of what is happening today makes sense. However, IF you understand that we were there to distract attention from the true culprits, Saudi Arabia, and because there were $billions to be made fighting an unwinnable, senseless war, then it all makes perfect sense. Even after it became clear that the war could never be won, there were more $billions to be made in nation building.

Give it a little time. The Taliban will kill, plunder, and rape. They will capture and likely kill some Americans. They will export terror to Europe and the US, and we, with the urging of (expletive deleted) scumbags in Congress will, in the name of humanity and National Security, go back into Afghanistan with all guns blazing. And, because we made sure that the Taliban was well supplied with our own equipment, it will be a very expensive (and profitable) war.

God help us.